Wednesday, January 16, 2019



No mold!  Barbara was first into “Submit” and found no mold.  This was the first time ever there has been none.  She’s a happy lady.  Those of you who read about our visit to the boat last year will recall that we found the interior of the boat to be covered in black mold when we arrived.  A friend who had seen the inside thought we would take one look and junk the boat.  He didn’t know Barbara well enough yet.

Work on the boat progresses.  All lifeline stanchions and lifelines have been reinstalled.  A new replacement wind generator has been installed.  Toe rail bolts and other through deck bolts have been tightened and a couple re-bedded to eliminate tiny leaks.  The engine heat exchanger has been cleaned and reinstalled.  And the list goes on as other odds and ends are addressed. 

One issue is some water in the fuel tank.  The tanks were virtually empty after having been reinstalled subsequent to repairs.  However, the fuel fill cap on deck was not tight and water found its way to the tanks.  I pumped out as much as possible but I fear some remains and will rear its head at the most inopportune times as the boat moves about after launching. 

The new-to-us motor home has been great as our boatyard residence.  We’ve been allowed to park it near the boat and have been quite comfortable.  It seems huge to us after Bev.  We are spending a little time addressing minor issues as we find them.

My current goal is to have the boat ready to launch by 26 January.  I want to be able to check her out before heading south.  We need to be in Palm Beach, Florida, by 6 February to retrieve our granddaughter from the airport.  Depending on weather and route the trip could take as much as 7 or 8 days.  Having a grandchild join us on “Submit” is a treat for us.  We hope she enjoys her stay.

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